latest news & announcements

Term Two News

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please read our final newsletter for Term 2. I hope that you enjoy reading about all the amazing learning activities that we have engaged in this term.

Semester 1 student reports have been uploaded to Compass for each family. Please enjoy reading through your child’s report together and celebrate their progress and learning for this semester. Learning is hard work and much has been achieved so far this year.  Our 3-Way parent/carer, teacher, student conferences will be held after school on 22, 23 and 29 July. These conferences can be booked on Compass from Monday 24th June.

We provide a learning environment where children can feel safe, calm, and maintain their dignity. Arriving at school late or waiting in the school office to be collected after school late causes distress and anxiety to children. There has been a great improvement in prompt arrival at school in the last few weeks. Well done, I feel very proud! Those arriving each morning before 9.00 am via the Willow Avenue school entrance have done extremely well and it has made a big difference in the classrooms in making a smoother, calmer start to each day. There could however be further improvement for those arriving via the Nottingham St school entrance. Let us see if we can get all students at their classrooms by 9.00 am. Being prompt matters and leads to success.

This term ends on Friday 28 June at 2.30 pm. Term 3 begins on Monday 15 July. Camp Australia will be providing a holiday program over the school holidays this July.


Enrolment: Foundation (Prep) enrolment |

We are excited about the possibilities that the future holds for our students and we know that, with your continued involvement, Glendal Primary School will continue to thrive.
Your partnership is invaluable, and together, we are shaping a brighter future for our children.

Thank you to all our school community for your continued faith in our school and support for programs, camps and learning activities.

Warm regards,
Deborah Grossek

"We, the Glendal primary school community, acknowledge the value of Aboriginal art, culture and customs as an important part of our Australian heritage.

We respect the work of the Wurundjeri people, who looked after the land we learn, create and play on today and we take responsibility for this country's future."


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Remembrance garden 


 Sporting ComplexSports complex


Glendal Primary School