JEM - Sustainability and the Environment












Joint Environmental Mission Program (JEM)

Our JEM program educates our school community to  understand environmental issues and to implement environmentally sustainable practices. Through our JEM program, students have the opportunity to participate in exchanges with our sister schools in the USA (Pennsylvania and Hawaii), and St Petersburg (Russia). We also work with other students and teachers from our sister schools through the Earth Summit in Pennsylvania. 

Our main objective within the JEM program is work through the ResourceSmart Schools Program ( an initiative from the Victorian Government to help schools to implement more sustainable practices).

The ResourceSmart program is made up of 5 modules, each has a number of tasks that must be completed to achieve the module stars. So far we have achieved four module stars ( Core, Biodiversity, Energy and Water). We had completed Waste, but we need to renew this module.

The  modules are built around the following areas:

  • Waste 
  • Core
  • Biodiversity
  • Water 
  • Energy

So, we are officially a RSS 4 Star school. Our "Nude Food' initiative has been extremely successful in deleting waste.

The JEM team welcome community feedback and suggestions. If you have any ideas about how we could improve our sustainability practices please contact the school.











Glendal Primary School