Extra Curricula

Our school  offers a wide variety of opportunities for students, both within and outside of school hours.

After school programs. These programs are held at the school from 3.45pm.

Chess ( Kids Unlimited)

Sport (Kelly Sports)

Instrumental Music (Creative Music)

Instrumental Music and Singing ( Music Bus)

Robotics (extension and competition, school based)

In school programs

Science Talent Search

Public Speaking (Year 5)

Musical production (Year 2)

Short Film production (Year 6)

Christmas concert   (Foundation)

School Band

School Choir

Bollywood dancing

Interschool and in-school sport

Swimming  or water safety program - all levels

Special sport days including: house sports, athletics, cross country.

Student Leadership programs – Year 6 student leadership course

Student Representative Council (SRC)

Joint Environmental Mission program (JEM)

Camping program for Years 3 to 6

Please contact the school for more specific information on these programs












Glendal Primary School